Sunday, February 22, 2009

ACTS 2 POEM by Steve Atwood

At the end of his grace message, "You're Hyper" at the 2007 18th Annual Eastern Grace Bible Believers Conference, "Apologies for Grace" (all messages archived here), Steve Atwood of Grace Bible Church in Chattanooga, TN, shared his original poem, "Acts 2 Believers." I hope he won't mind if I share it with you here:


There are many people who are not a few
Who believe that the church started in Acts 2.

They love the tongues and spiritual gifts
and care not that it causes a rift.

They believe that Peter is really "the man."
For the message of Paul, they will not stand.

We show them the difference in God's plan
but they refuse to see what we clearly can.

So here's my word to the Acts 2 crowd,
Obey Acts 2 and be very proud.

Sell all your possessions; hold nothing back;
Ananias and Sapphira will verify that!

Have all things common and nothing keep;
Lay it all at the apostles' feet...

And if the apostles' feet you cannot find,
bring it all to me...that'll be fine!

Hope I did it justice, Steve, and thank you so much for sharing a little humor mixed with a lot of truth!

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