Sunday, September 15, 2013

Where's a good overview of Acts 28?

If you had to recommend one source - book or online article - giving a simple overview of Acts 28 and the practical implications of it for our Christian lives, what would it be? 

I'm not sure if such a source exists.  Our website is a huge one with mixed Acts 28 dispensational truth and practical out workings of it; but together in one place?   Mr. Welch's Alphabetical Analysis is worthy of your library or you can find it here in pdf form 


  1. Hi, I recently started studying again after many years trying to ignore this important message. I recently came across which is an excellent website. There is a series of studies called the 'ABCs of Right Division' it's a 10 series study and really helped me. It's hard to find stuff from the Acts 28 view. God bless

  2. Thanks, Anonymous! A friend studying the Acts 28 divide with me just asked me for a good basic study guide and I'll let him know this also.

    Blessings back,

  3. Hi, that's fine :-) they have contributions from several teachers. Not all seem to be 'singing from the same hymn sheet' but the stuff from Wayne Stewart is really good. I like to read as much as I can but I find the audios are perfect for listening to on my daily commute to work on the train. God bless. Jonathan.

  4. Thanks again, Jonathan. I sent the link to a couple of Acts 28 students and one already responded very positively about it.

    Cool that you can listen on your train commute! One friend is a delivery driver who will also redeem the time with them, I'm sure!

    Love in our Saviour Jesus Christ,
