By all accounts, he was too young to die - only just turned 36 - but Robert T. Schuder, my publisher and friend in Christ, had made it clear that he had no qualms about "going home" at any time, now that he was certain of his eternal salvation. So heaven gained a new resident this week when, after having routine surgery, Robert slipped away into the arms of his heavenly Father due to breathing problems he experienced at home.
He was certainly a friend to thank God for! He had only been a grace believer for a short time, really, but was so hungry for the word, rightly divided, that he just couldn't get enough of it! It was amazing to watch him grow in grace!
I'll miss Robert's steadfast friendship and the way he encouraged and supported me in every situation. His generosity in publishing and marketing my end times novel, COVENANT WITH MY CHOSEN, in order to spread the truth of right division and salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone is something that I'll treasure all of my days.Now that Robert is in heaven, there's even more reason to long for it myself! What a joyous reunion that will be; Our Lord, Robert, and me! Maranatha!Scroll down to read an article I wrote for my work newspaper telling the story of how Robert came into my life and what he did for me:
Photo of Robert & Me at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29653994@N00/?saved=1
It all began when I finally finished writing my Christian novel about the end times and posted it on my blog on the Internet. I told a wonderful Christian lady named Rita Bauschard, who lives in Pennsylvania, and whom I had recently met on the Internet, about my novel; and she took the time to read it. She enjoyed it enough that she sent copies of it to just about everyone she knew, including Robert Schuder of Anchorage, Alaska. Robert is “like a son” to Rita; and being a fairly new believer in the grace of Jesus Christ, he found my novel to be an enjoyable and “easy” way to learn more about Bible prophecy. He called me from Anchorage soon after and asked if he could publish my book. At first, I had trouble believing that he really meant it!
In what seemed like a whirlwind of generosity, he flew me up to Anchorage first class on Northwest Airlines, put me up in the downtown Anchorage Sheraton in a huge room with a business center, and even gave me spending money “so I wouldn’t starve” when he couldn’t take me out to eat. I have a sneaking suspicion he may have even arranged for the moose I saw up close as it posed in his condo’s driveway, as well as the mild earthquake I was treated to the next day!
What I’ll never forget are all of the wonderful people I met as I traveled, on the airplanes, as well as in Anchorage. The man on the plane next to me on the trip into Alaska was a native Inuit who told me fascinating facts about Alaska's history, terrain, and wildlife. I even ran into a couple from Appleton, Wisconsin (my home town), at the Golden Corral, which had just opened its doors in Anchorage. I ate breakfast every day at the Country Kitchen across from my hotel, and developed a friendly relationship with the ladies who work there. I made sure to tell them about God' grace for today.
The weather in mid-November in Anchorage was similar to what we get in mid-January – cold and dry. The sun came up at about 9:30 a.m. and went down way too early.
Robert and I chose a new title for the novel, COVENANT WITH MY CHOSEN; and information about how to order your copy can be obtained by sending an email to: dfkuz@hotmail.com. No matter what happens, Robert's kindness and generosity to me will give me a warm feeling - even toward Alaska - for the rest of my life. THANK YOU, ROBERT!!!
Here's what Richard Jordan, President of Grace School of the Bible, Bloomingdale, IL, had to say about Robert:
He was certainly a friend to thank God for! He had only been a grace believer for a short time, really, but was so hungry for the word, rightly divided, that he just couldn't get enough of it! It was amazing to watch him grow in grace!
I'll miss Robert's steadfast friendship and the way he encouraged and supported me in every situation. His generosity in publishing and marketing my end times novel, COVENANT WITH MY CHOSEN, in order to spread the truth of right division and salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone is something that I'll treasure all of my days.Now that Robert is in heaven, there's even more reason to long for it myself! What a joyous reunion that will be; Our Lord, Robert, and me! Maranatha!Scroll down to read an article I wrote for my work newspaper telling the story of how Robert came into my life and what he did for me:
Photo of Robert & Me at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29653994@N00/?saved=1
It all began when I finally finished writing my Christian novel about the end times and posted it on my blog on the Internet. I told a wonderful Christian lady named Rita Bauschard, who lives in Pennsylvania, and whom I had recently met on the Internet, about my novel; and she took the time to read it. She enjoyed it enough that she sent copies of it to just about everyone she knew, including Robert Schuder of Anchorage, Alaska. Robert is “like a son” to Rita; and being a fairly new believer in the grace of Jesus Christ, he found my novel to be an enjoyable and “easy” way to learn more about Bible prophecy. He called me from Anchorage soon after and asked if he could publish my book. At first, I had trouble believing that he really meant it!
In what seemed like a whirlwind of generosity, he flew me up to Anchorage first class on Northwest Airlines, put me up in the downtown Anchorage Sheraton in a huge room with a business center, and even gave me spending money “so I wouldn’t starve” when he couldn’t take me out to eat. I have a sneaking suspicion he may have even arranged for the moose I saw up close as it posed in his condo’s driveway, as well as the mild earthquake I was treated to the next day!
What I’ll never forget are all of the wonderful people I met as I traveled, on the airplanes, as well as in Anchorage. The man on the plane next to me on the trip into Alaska was a native Inuit who told me fascinating facts about Alaska's history, terrain, and wildlife. I even ran into a couple from Appleton, Wisconsin (my home town), at the Golden Corral, which had just opened its doors in Anchorage. I ate breakfast every day at the Country Kitchen across from my hotel, and developed a friendly relationship with the ladies who work there. I made sure to tell them about God' grace for today.
The weather in mid-November in Anchorage was similar to what we get in mid-January – cold and dry. The sun came up at about 9:30 a.m. and went down way too early.
Robert and I chose a new title for the novel, COVENANT WITH MY CHOSEN; and information about how to order your copy can be obtained by sending an email to: dfkuz@hotmail.com. No matter what happens, Robert's kindness and generosity to me will give me a warm feeling - even toward Alaska - for the rest of my life. THANK YOU, ROBERT!!!
Here's what Richard Jordan, President of Grace School of the Bible, Bloomingdale, IL, had to say about Robert:
Just to let you know that a fairly new GSB student, Bob Schuder, unexpectedly went to be with the Lord last night. He was in the hospital and just had a tonsillectomy, and apparently died during the night from complications or whatever. He was only 36 years old. I just spoke with him on the phone a couple months ago when he called so excited about receiving his first lessons.I want to quote his statement of faith from his GSB [Grace School of the Bible] application:
For years I thought I was saved through the Kingdom program of repentance and water baptism and "accepting Jesus into my heart." Then I read the manuscript of an end times novel given to me by Rita Bauschard and written by Deborah Kuzenski. I learned the truth about being saved by grace and faith alone and right division. I was so delighted, that I helped Deborah publish the book. Now my goal is to learn as much as possible from GSB and hopefully spread the message in Alaska.
In the face of "present sufferings" what a demonstration of the joy and rejocing of our hearts! And what a testimony to the importance of having a certainty of eternal life as a present possession! Maranatha!
Posted by Richard Jordan at 4:57 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007
Posted by Richard Jordan at 4:57 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 7, 2007